Isnin, 17 Januari 2011

My List..

pernah tgk cerita the bucket list..lakonan anthony hopkin ngan morgan freeman, kisah lebih kurang 2 org dpt kanser, dah nak mati so they decide to do a list of task or thing that they wish they do before die..lebey kurang cerita dia.. having such list is actually interesting at least from my point of view, some would say the other way round, but heck, my life i choose what i like.. hhehehe, i found that having a list move our life, some kind of motivation, visualizes i have my list, i think 2011 is a perfect year and a decade starter to start my list.. i have give my self to finish the list within 10 years, and look how many i could achieve.

  1. Drive a car confidently.. i use to drive before when i worked at KTR, but i t been years and even when i am drive back on those years still the word confident didn't describe my driving, i suck at drive.. so i would like to be a good driver soon.. (starting on April, permas to seelong, pastu satrat delima chuci dah byk kali drive situsanasini)
  2. Work out my project..specifically i'm talking about laundry thingy.. talk about that later
  3. Clear my debt.. byk jpa, lingua...utm.. mmm tu je kot
  4. Travel/Tour around Malaysia.... though i have bee in most state of malaysia except sarawak... i really want to discover Malaysia, take break away of 3 month, travel around malaysia, discover all interesting places..
  5. Maximize my knowledge in photography - I need to attend at least a beginner course, just to make sure i really understand what i'm doing- do with knowledge.
  6. TAke One or more perhaps Great breath taking picture
  7. Write more in my far this month i make a progress.. soon you will have an apple a day from me
  8. Write a book. enuff said.
  9. perform haj.. shoul be the top af the list.. but well i'm just me..
  10. travel around the world ( after performing haj.. my vow that i will only visit other country after i goes Makkah
  11. watch performance in Istana Budaya
  12. take a picture on walk of fame-Tom Cruise an Mariah Carey
  13. Drink At Central Perk of any branches- FRIENDS punya cafe lorr
  14. Further My studies in Master Degree
  15. Open Public Library/ education Centre
  16. Porsche as a car
  17. Play one music instrument- a cello would be a great, guitar is good enough
  18. Learn Aiki do
  19. Visit Madame Tussaude Museum
  20. See Monalisa Potrait
  21. Take care more of my Health- exercise pleaseeee.
  22. .Watch Liverpool game live at Anfield
  23. Watch World Cup Live ( ada 2 world cup lagi nih)
  24. there will be more..
I understand some part of this list are quite impossible some are reachable and some are must do. i'm not expecting that i would fulfill this list but most of them will be good enough. The sequence is not subject to priority

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